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One of the most difficult jobs we artists face is putting a price on our work. So much goes into our paintings — materials, time, years of practice. Yet if we want to sell, we need to establish reasonable prices so that people can afford to buy. Are you already an established painter? is not here to dictate how much or how little you should charge for your work. We are, however, committed to helping you, the artist, benefit from your hard work.

You make 100% of your sales!

We at are happy to give you you, the artist, 100% of your sale! Yes, 100%. We believe you deserve to enjoy the opportunity to move your work so that you can get busy and create more & more. We want you to be motivated to paint and what better motivator for an artist than sales? It is our hope that we might continue this generous offer indefinitely by gaining enough artist/subscribers. Should we need to change this or any other part of our seller’s agreement, you will be notified well in advance!

What will it cost me?

Your only obligation to is a small monthly fee.

How to price my work

Now, what about pricing? Do you already have a pricing policy? If you are already established as an artist, you probably already know what your price points are. We welcome your expertise and encourage you to price your work consistent with previous sales. Are you an emerging artist? Want some help with pricing? Below are some guidelines to get you started.

1) Price your work according to size.

On this site, our measurements refer to the outside dimensions of the mat or canvas. We want our buyers to find it easy to purchase a frame and these are the dimensions they care about. If your matted watercolor is 11 x 14″, charge approximately the same price for all your 11 x 14″ matted pieces.

2) Do your own research.

Look at other artists’ work. Determine which artists are showing work at a similar level of accomplishment and experience as yours. Pay particular attention to the prices of those who sell. Check our website and other online websites. Visit brick and mortar galleries.

3) Give your artwork retail prices!

Here at you pay yourself the commission but your prices must remain consistent when you sell elsewhere. When you sell your work elsewhere and that gallery demands a (typical) 40 to 50% commission, your prices need to remain consistent whether in a gallery or online. At YOU get your gallery commission. You get full retail price for your work. However, don’t let this fact tempt you to set unreasonably low prices. Should you decide to show your work at a gallery, you still need to realize a profit even when that gallery gets a commission. In other words, ask yourself if you sell your work on, are you paying yourself that gallery commission? If not, your prices probably should go up a bit.

4) Set your prices within the range of other artists.

Please do not price your work lower than WaterMediaGallery’s other artists, expecting our buyers to want a bargain. is not seeking to become a bargain gallery. In fact, it is important to honor your work. If you do, others will too! Set your prices consistent with other artists and allow your buyer to realize your work has value!

5) Plan ahead.

Build yourself a small annual price increase. Set your prices when you join WaterMediaGallery, then plan to increase your prices by 8 to 10% at your anniversary. Make yourself a chart! You can always change your mind next year, but this plan accomplishes two things.

A) You know your artwork’s value will increase and B) someone considering the purchase of a painting will know if they buy it this year they will save.

6) Do not list your weak paintings.

While there are all kinds of artistic preferences out there and sometimes the craziest artwork attracts sales, if you look at a painting and think to yourself “something seems wrong or maybe someone will like this even if I don’t,” you might want to set that one aside. If you care about your artistic reputation, put some work on our site that you feel good about. Sure, you can paint some crazy artwork and it may well sell but wild and crazy or not, make sure you like what you post!

Suggested pricing

Please note the prices in this chart are only suggestions.We urge you to go no lower than these prices, but if your work already commands higher prices we honor your experience. Remember, price according to outside dimensions. You might want to start out within a 16 x 20″ mat size or smaller because shipping a smaller painting is much easier and more affordable. We want you to package and ship your work promptly and affordably.  See “Shipping Your Artwork”. Larger packaging and shipping is more complicated. We will research and make recommendations for larger work in the near future. For buyers’ convenience, consider mat sizes that fit into an over-the-counter frame. This is not a strict policy but customers may appreciate the affordable option of a ready-made frame.

2017 pricing suggestions for standard mat sizes, Outside Dimensions*:

*Outside Dimensions refer to the outside of a mat, canvas, clayboard, etc. This will reflect the frame size, should your customer wish to purchase a frame.
** If your prices are previously established, please use your own pricing.

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